Monday, May 3, 2010

Extreme Couponing

When I first began couponing, I had my accordian filer that all my coupons were sorted into. Until I went shopping one day and spent over three hours for not even half a carts' worth of groceries. So, my hubby and I designed a way to be able to have my coupons always ready to use!

You need to get a binder and several packages of PLASTIC dividers. Label the tabs however it best suits you. Make sure that you have some extra that aren't labeled.

Then sort your coupon packets.

Then lay them out where you can reach them.

You're going to want to cut all the coupons on the top page of each stack and place in a container so they don't scatter.

Then put all the same ones together and paper clip them. Then move on to the next page. If you cut too many pages at once you'll get frustrated trying to put the matches together.

Then paper clip them to the dividers.

I have a blank divider at the very front. As I pick out items and place them in my cart, I take the coupons and clip them to the front. This helps with checkout significantly!

In front of that, I have a zipper pouch with a pair of scissors. Always handy for the avid couponer!

Whenever I go to the store I write a list of what I'm planning to buy, but I ALWAYS take my binder just in case. A lot of times I come across un-advertised deals and am so glad I have my coupons there and ready!

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